Our Services

Background Italia provides fact-based insights and intelligence when our clients need it the most. We are specialized in the execution of fast-paced investigations focused on the retrieval and analysis of information during complex, critical times.
Our main areas of expertise are:

Due diligence and compliance
Due diligence is key when engaging in business with third parties. Knowing the good and the bad about a potential partner, affiliate, or company that you are willing to work with will help you assess risks and opportunities accurately and make informed decisions accordingly.

Enhanced due diligence
Background Italia performs enhanced due diligence background checks on companies and individuals across the world on a daily basis. Our expertise in the sector allows us to detect potential sources of risk and give clients timely responses to guarantee business continuity and to prevent potential issues.

Background checks
Background checks are a determining factor in the outcome of a business operation. The track record and reputation of a company or an individual can have a major impact on the client's reputation, making it vital to know what the risk factors of a potential partnership are. 

Internal investigations and audit
Mitigating the risks relating to internal fraudulent activities should be a top priority for every company; a rogue employee or other insider threats can severely damage a corporation’s reputation, integrity and overall market standing. We specialize in the investigation of fraudulent activities and other white collar crimes as part of our internal audit services. We also provide local representation of third-party auditing proceedings throughout Italy.

Digital forensics
Our dedicated team of digital forensics experts can rely on the most recent technologies and expertise and can provide timely assistance on a variety of incidences. We assist clients in both protecting company know-how and detecting if there have been data breaches or information leakage.

Compliance with national and international regulations can be multi-faceted depending on the client's activity, provenance and relation to third parties. With this in mind, we provide tailored solutions for every need that guarantee compliance with the most widespread AML and anti-corruption regulations, namely the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and UK Bribery Act.

Pre-employment screenings
New hires, be they employees, middle level managers or C-level executives, should always be vetted according to the roles and responsibilities they are going to have in the company. Underestimating the potential issues involved with a wrong hire can seriously affect the business, in terms of reputation, returns, profit or business continuity. We assist our clients with tailored background checks activities, aimed at identifying the best candidate for their needs and avoiding further problematics for their companies.

Background Italia's proprietary compliance platform, which enables to run the names of companies and individuals and get real-time responses on UBOs, PEPs and compliance-related matters, is made available to clients interested in retrieving information on key third parties instantly. Visit www.b4compliance.com 
for further information.


Intelligence gathering
Having the right tools and knowing how to use them are key to a successful operation. We use fully-compliant tools to identify crucial information that helps our clients protect their assets and stay dominant on ever changing market conditions.   

Mergers and acquisitions
M&A operations play an important role in developed and developing economies. A key aspect to consider prior to engaging in the buyout of a third party is their reputation. This can have a massive impact on the parties involved, be it another player in the industry or an investment fund. Background Italia has the expertise and tools to detect potential areas of risk, such as reputational issues with the managers, rumors on the company’s business practices or ongoing litigations and corruption issues, just to mention a few.

NPL bidding intel
We search, identify and analyze information from corporate structures under tight deadlines. We accurately establish the assets (and their value), financials, corporate structure and UBOs of companies, while providing tailored reports under week-or-less deadlines. Being a third-party verification provider, our findings are fully independent and in line with official information at hand.

Boots on the ground wherever you need them. Professional, reliable, attentive and detailed-oriented, our network of Italian and international operators allows us to be on difficult-to-reach scenarios. Paired with our analytical services, surveillance poses a key element of support to our intelligence gathering.

Competitive intelligence
We help you stay ahead of the market. Fully compliant intelligence capabilities adapted to the corporate world allow us to identify data and insights unavailable through official or commercial data providers.

IP protection
We specialize in investigations concerning trademark and intellectual property protection. We conduct inquiries on every continent on a wide range of industries. We monitor and investigate potential IP infringements and, if identified, we work to acquire and gather evidence to be used when carrying out defensive legal action.

Building a case with persuasive arguments takes time, efforts and research. Background Italia partners up with industry corporations, financial institutions, legal firms and other intelligence agencies to provide accurate evidence in a timely manner. 

Asset tracing
We search, identify and value hard-to-find assets such as real estate, corporate shareholdings and other sources of wealth on behalf of our clients, as part of a credit recovery or asset valuation operation.

Ongoing disputes and litigation support
Background Italia ascertains key data that allows our customers to stay ahead of third parties during a litigation process. We collaborate with hedge funds, legal firms and other intelligence agencies in order to maintain a dominant position during ongoing litigation proceedings.

Evidence identification and retrieval
Be it a commercial arbitration or a civil or criminal litigation, we make sure to look in all directions to get ahold of information that can be used during legal proceedings. Evidence retrieval and data analysis are key to a winning argument in court.